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외국에서 Hospitality Management 전공하고 있습니다. 호텔 경영진의 차트 그리고 호텔 예약부서 직원의 역할에 대한 보고서 올립니다.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Methodology & Limitations
2. Introduction
3. Organizational Chart
4. Job Description
5. Training Program
6. Role Play Transcript
7. Summary
8. References


* Methodology & Limitations
For this paper, we are using secondary research methods by using information provided to us through lectures, powerpoint slides, and information we have found on the internet, including innRoad as a point of reference for our roleplay portion.
As for limitations, we have provided all necessary aspects needed for the paper - methodology and limitations, organizational chart, training program, job description, a transcript of our roleplay, and a summary. We believe the only limitation we have is not using as many sources/concepts as necessary to achieve full marks as per the grading grid (more than ten).

* Introduction
This group project focuses on the job of a reservations agent in a 1,000-room hotel. It outlines the organizational chart of a large hotel, the job description, and training plan of a reservations agent. In addition, there is a transcript of two potential interactions a reservation agent may have with guests over the phone.

참고 자료

Betterteam. (n.d.). Reservation agent job description. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from https://www.betterteam.com/reservation-agent-job-description.
Elliott, Mark. (2021). Individual Reservations and Group Bookings [Powerpoint Slides]. https://douglascollege.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&content_id=_2423096_1&Course_id=_94566_1
Great Sample Resume. (n.d.). List of reservation agent responsibilities and duties.
Retrieved November 24, 2021, from https://www.greatsampleresume.com/job-responsibilities/hospitality/reservation-agent.
innRoad. (n.d.) Reservations. Retrieved December 2, 2021 from https://app.innroad.com/index.html#reservationSearch
Job Hero. (n.d.). Hotel Reservation Agent Job Description. Retrieved November 23,2021 from https://www.jobhero.com/job-description/examples/hospitality/hotel-reservation-agent
Rosie. (20xx, May 18). Hotel Organizational Chart - Introduction and Sample. Org
Chart. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from https://www.orgcharting.com/hotel-organizational-chart/
Set Up My Hotel. (n.d.). Job Description for Reservation Manager in Hotel. Retrieved November 23, 2021, from https://setupmyhotel.com/job-description-for-hotels/front-office/132-reservation-manager.html.
Vallen, G. K. & Vallen, J. J. (2021, July 23). Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations (10th ed.). Pearson, Inc.
Vallen, G. K. & Vallen, J. J. (2021). Chapter 6 Individual Reservations and Group Bookings. [Powerpoint Slides]. https://douglascollege.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&content_id=_2423096_1&course_id=_94566_1
Zane, Matthew. (2021, May 16). Important Communication Skills for Workplace Success (and How to Improve Them). Zippia. https://www.zippia.com/advice/communication-skills/
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