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"내가 가고싶은 나라 영작(네덜란드)a+/영작/네덜란드 문화, 명소, 맛집, 축제, 역사, 기후"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Holland's Cultural and Historic Monuments
2. Geographical features of the Netherlands
3. The lifestyle of the Netherlands
4. The history of the Netherlands
5. The natural environment of the Netherlands
6. Holland's traditional foods
7. Festival in the Netherlands


● 15 ~ 19 century's art that you can enjoy the National Museum (Rijksmuseum) rembeurandeuui 'Night (夜警)' is famous. Between 15-19 th century Dutch painter, has exhibited the works of the red brick neo-classical buildings of Louis Bonaparte in 1808 by floating been proposed and was completed in 1885.Leading to 15-19C Museum houses many works of art, and painting the second floor, sculpture, decorative arts, 2nd floor, 1st floor in the basement. Is divided into exhibits. In addition, yeoksasil of Art, Asian art, prints, etc. You can also view and other amenities are also well equipped. 17C of the painting, especially Rambeuranteuui representative, work is on display at several private galleries. 1st Floor West Wing, the Netherlands related to the history of the various Materials are exhibited.

● Royal Museum Vincent van Gogh (Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh) 200 points worth of Van Gogh's paintings and 500 pieces where I can see the drawing was opened in 1973, is a four-story museum.

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