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2차대전과 세계정치에 대한 조별토론(영문)

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2차대전 당시 국제정치 상황에 대한 조별토론 영문과제입니다.


1. Individual question
2. Discussion
3. Prof question
4. Atomic bomb
5. References


Taking into account the factor that the ordered behavior of people was a prevalent pattern for the totalitarian regime, does any person, who has been somehow involved in the actions of Nazi Germany, deserve to be exposed to the criticism?
It is undeniable that throughout the World War II the followers of the Nazi regime have been committed in the brutal crimes against the whole humanity. Furthermore, some people still tend to accuse the citizens of contemporary Germany for the cruel actions of their predecessors. Nevertheless, morality is parallel to free will. Taking into account the factor that some of the people, who were to certain extent committed to contributing to the actions of Nazi Germany, have been “ordered” to do so, it is suspicious for me whether they possessed the right to practice free will. As a result, can we consider this circumstance as limited free will a crucial factor for abstaining from the typical behavior to criticize them?

참고 자료

Wikipedia contributors. "Marshall Plan." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 30 Sep. 2016. Web. 30 Sep. 2016.
Wikipedia contributors. "Bretton Woods Conference." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 6 Oct. 2016. Web. 6 Oct. 2016.
National Priorities Project, Military Spending in the United States. October 15, 2016 https://www.nationalpriorities.org/campaigns/military-spending-united-states/
Investopedia, China Owns US Debt, but How Much? October 15, 2016
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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