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Technovation final report 테크노베이션-연세대 CTM 전공 수업

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20학년도 1학기- 연세대학교 Creative Technology Management 전공의 Technovation 전공 수업의 마지막 4000단어 final report입니다.
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I. Company overview

II. Industry and Competitors
1. Market overview
2. Five Force’s Analysis
1)Rivalry in the Smartphone Market
2)Threat of New Entrants
3)Suppliers’ Bargaining Power
4)Buyers’ Bargaining Power
5)Threat of Substitutes

III. Business strategy
1.Focused R&D: Hardware and Software
2.Strong Market Reputation
3.Differentiated Pricing

IV. Launch of Galaxy S20

V. Technology Management
1. Identification
2. Selection
3. Acquisition
4. Exploitation
5. Protection

VI. Future Projection

VII. Problem statement

VIII. Recommendation with rationale
1. Assessment

IX. Conclusion

X. Bibliography


High-end technology: Galaxy vs. Apple’s iPhone
It is also important to note the product innovation, a non-price based rivalry, between Samsung and Apple. As competition intensifies in the smartphone market, both leading firms are proactive in releasing new smartphones with high end technology. While Samsung released its Galaxy S10 Lite, S20, S20+ and S20 Ultra, iPhone also released iPhone SE and 12 in the year 2020. This periodic effort to provide premium brand with high price fuels the competition in the market.

2.Threat of New Entrants
The threat of new entrants is relatively low because the market shares are already taken by the first movers in the industry that have well established their reputation. Also, it would be costly for new firms to establish brand identity like the current companies, and attract customers that are already loyal to the existing companies. Thus, it is unlikely that new smartphone brand will threaten the reputation of..

<중 략>

참고 자료

“갤럭시 S20 Ultra 5G 자급제 (코스믹 블랙, 256 GB): Samsung 대한민국.” Samsung Sec, 31 Jan. 2020, www.samsung.com/sec/smartphones/galaxy-s20-ultra-5g-g988/SM-G988NZKAKOO/.
Gregory, M. J. "Technology management: a process approach." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 209.5 (1995): 347-356.
Moorhead, Patrick. “We Know The New Samsung Galaxy S20 Is An Awesome Consumer Phone, But How About For The Enterprise?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 20 Feb. 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/moorinsights/2020/02/19/we-know-the-new-samsung-s20-is-an-awesome-consumer-phone-but-what-for-the-enterprise/#5a52cfeb1214.
O'Dea, “Global Smartphone Market Share 2019.” Statista, 10 June 2020, www.statista.com/statistics/271496/global-market-share-held-by-smartphone-vendors-since-4th-quarter-2009/
“Samsung Electronics Announces Fourth Quarter and FY 2019 Results.” – Samsung Global Newsroom, news.samsung.com/global/samsung-electronics-announces-fourth-quarter-and-fy-2019-results.
Schilling, Melissa A. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. (265-267)
StackPath, www.industryweek.com/leadership/corporate-responsibility/article/21986445/samsungs-biggest-problem-its-phones-cant-be-fixed.
“Top 1000 Companies That Spend the Most on Research & Development (Charts and Analysis).” Idea to Value, 28 Aug. 2019, www.ideatovalue.com/inno/nickskillicorn/2019/08/top-1000-companies-that-spend-the-most-on-research-development-charts-and-analysis/
“Vision 2020: Samsung Electronics: About Us.” Samsung Levant, 7 Nov. 2017, www.samsung.com/levant/aboutsamsung.html/aboutsamsung/
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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