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영어학개론 1과 What is Language 연습문제 전체해설

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9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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영어학개론 An introduction to Language의 1과 What is Language?의 해설을 제가 따로 정리해서 보기 쉽게 올립니다. 1과의 전체 해설을 옮겨놓았습니다. exercise랑 같이 보면서 해도 좋을 것 같습니다.


1. exercise 1
2. exercise 2
3. exercise 3
4. exercise 4
5. exercise 5
6. exercise 6
7. exercise 7
8. exercise 8
9. exercise 9
10. exercise 10
11. exercise 11
12. exercise 12
13. exercise 13
14. exercise 14
15. exercise 15
16. exercise 16
17. exercise 17
18. exercise 18
19. exercise 19
20. exercise 20
21. exercise 21


1번 answer:
영어 : Bliting: bl as in blood, iting as in lighting
Krame: kr as in cream, ame as in aim
Swirler: sw as in swim, irl as in girl, er as in rider
Kristclean: kr as in cream, i as in pit, st as in street, clean as in clean
Atla: as in atlas
Oxfo: ox as in ox, fo as in foe

2번 answer:
a *Robin forced the sheriff go.
The word to is missing in front of the verb go. The verb force requires a to infinitive in the embedded clause.
f. *He drove my house by.
Particles are preposition-like words that occur with verbs such as look, as in look up the number or look over the data. Particles can occur after their direct object: look the number up; look the data over. True prepositions do not behave this way. He ran up the stairs is grammatical, but *He ran the stairs up is not. The by in He drove by my house functions as a preposition and may not occur after the direct object.
g. *Did in a corner little Jack Horner sit?

참고 자료

An introduction to Language Answer key
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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