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IB Chemistry SL IA (7점)

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12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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"IB Chemistry SL IA (7점)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Investigation
1) Reaction understudy
2) Background information

3. Variables

4. Methodology
1) Apparatus and Materials
2) Procedure
3) Preliminary experiment

5. Safety

6. Raw data
1) Quantitative data collection
2) Qualitative data observation

7. Processing data
1) Processed data
2) Uncertainty due to measurement error of experimental instruments

8. Graphical analysis

9. Evaluation
1) Conclusion
2) Strengths
3) Weaknesses
4) Extension

10. Bibliography


1. Introduction
When I was studying topic 9 redox processes during class, I caught interest in electrolysis and how ionic compounds can conduct electricity in solutions. Then I found a lot of experiments conducted with different NaCl concentrations in water solutions. But I wanted to figure out if different compounds would show the same property because an assumption that observed and unobserved share similarities are ‘Uniformity of Nature’ (Henderson). Therefore, I chose magnesium chloride but since we only had magnesium chloride hexahydrate* in our science lab, I chose to increase the mass of magnesium chloride hexahydrate added to water to investigate.
* Predominantly, magnesium chloride (MgCl2) exists as hexahydrate (MgCl2· 6H2O) with the molecular mass of 203.301gmol -1 (Kennedy)

참고 자료

Fondriest Environmental, Inc. “Conductivity, Salinity and Total Dissolved Solids.” Fundamentals of Environmental Measurements. 3 Mar 2014. Web. https: //www. Fondriest.com/environmental-measurem ents/parameters/water-quality/conductivity-salinity-tds. Accessed 27 Sept.2019.
Henderson, Leah, "The Problem of Induction", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2019/entries/induction-problem/
Johnson, Lee. "Why Do Ionic Compounds Conduct Electricity in Water?" Sciencing, 25 Mar. 2019, sciencing.com/do-compounds-conduct-electricity-water-6681297.html. Accessed 27 Sept. 2019.
Kennedy, David. " Properties of Magnesium Chloride" sciencing.com, https://sciencing.com/properties-magnesium-chloride-5063749.html. Accessed 28 Sept. 2019.
Lovatt, Andrew, and Hugh Shercliff, editors. "About conductivity." University of Cambridge, 7 Aug. 2007, www.lehigh.edu/~amb4/wbi/kwardlow/conductivity.htm. Accessed 27 Sept. 2019.
New England BioLabs. "Safety Data Sheet for Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)." BioLab Inc, 26 June 2016, www.neb.com/-/media/2425cf4881014ae885cabddf9f8b3ebd.pdf. Accessed 25 Oct. 2019.
Vernier. 13 Aug. 2012, www.vernier.com/manuals/con-bta/. Accessed 27 Sept. 2019.
Wagner, Heinz, editor. "https://www.swan.ch/ GetAttachment.axd?attaName=829fbc2c-52dc-44cd-bff7-738dba55f3b2." PowerPlant Chemistry, 2012, www.swan.ch/ GetAttachment.axd?attaName=829fbc2c-52dc-44cd-bff7-738dba55f3b2. Accessed 28
Sept. 2019.
Wang, Guosheng, et al. "Formation Mechanism of Basic Magnesium Chlorides Whiskers." Asian Journal of Chemistry, 18 Oct. 2013, www.asianjournalofchemistry.co.in/User/ViewFreeArticle.aspx?ArticleID=25_18_66. Accessed 27 Sept. 2019.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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