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[일반 화학 실험 영어 레포트] Potentiometric Analyses

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"[일반 화학 실험 영어 레포트] Potentiometric Analyses"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Experimental Procedure
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Lab questions


The following experiment aims to plot titration curve from the titration between unknown weak acid and strong base. Through the titration, molar concentration of the unknown weak acid will be calculated for part A and molar mass and pKa of the unknown weak acid will be calculated for part B.

pH is a unit which measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution, and it is measured from a type of potentiometer (an instrument which measures the potential difference) called pH meter. The pH measurement from the pH meter at 25 °C is shown from the following equation:

<중 략>

Lab Questions:
Q2. The pH meter was mistakenly calibrated to be 1.0 pH unit higher than the buffer.
a. Will this miscalibration result in a reported molar concentration of the weak acid being too high, too low, or unaffected? Explain.
When the pH is mis-calibrated, the change in the y-axis of the titration curve (pH) will be the same for all the data recorded. Also, higher pH recorded would not change the x-axis component (volume).

참고 자료

Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry. Ninth Edition, J.A. Beran, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (10th Edition), pg. 207-218
Helmestine, Todd. Titration Curve of Acids and Bases. ThoughtCo. <https://www.thoughtco.com/acids-and-bases-titration-curves-603656>
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[일반 화학 실험 영어 레포트] Potentiometric Analyses
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