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Chinese Foreing Policy on the Issue of THAAD

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"Chinese Foreing Policy on the Issue of THAAD"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Summary

III. Policy Suggestion
i) China Should Seek for Alternative Ways to Maintain the Balance of the Regional Strategic Security
ii) China Should Sustain Its Close Relationship With North Korea and Clearly Emphasize Its Strict Stance on North Korea’s Nuclear Threats
iii) Remain Friendly with ROK While Avoiding Severe Economic Sanction




In 2016, South Korea agreed to the United States on the deployment of THAAD concerning the continuous nuclear tests held in North Korea. This led to the retaliatory behavior from the China as China was not satisfied with South Korea’s decision to station the US anti-ballistic missile defense system- THAAD. This was mainly because China regarded that the deployment of US’s defense system could be a threat to China’s national security in various ways. In return, China held retaliation against South Korea mainly in economic terms. Also, confronting to the expansion of United States’ influence on Northeast Asia region- especially on South Korea, it counteracted by deploying S-400 from Russia. This means that the competition between China and United States has been intensified.
Moreover, this also means that China chose to deteriorate the existing cooperative relations with South Korea considering the strategic benefits that China and South Korea were mutually having through strategic partnership.

참고 자료

주민욱. (2017). A dispute of the deployment of the THAAD to South Korea and Chinese national face. Journal of Sinology and China Studies,70. 431-448.
Michael D. Swaine. (2017) Chinese View on South Korea’s Deployment of THAAD. China Leadership Moniter. no. 52, 1-15.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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