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Case Study: The Impact of International Assignments on Expatriate Families

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10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"Case Study: The Impact of International Assignments on Expatriate Families"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Compatibility of MacDougalls
4. Concerns of MacDougalls
5. Caring for Children
6. Impacts on Marriage Life
7. Suggestions
8. Conclusion


The case study described the difficulties of moving to a new country and culture from the perspective of the expatriate wife. Lisa, who was a good trailing spouse, is concerned about moving to China. Doubts about her identity and personal life goals, and her children's education and sociality. This paper argues about the impact the move to a new culture will have on a family and discusses how to prepare for it. For a successful assignment in China, she and her husband, Lachlane, have to prepare and the company has to support them before moving to China.
Keywords: Expatriates, multinational company, real-time training, family program, Education on overseas

The majority of the global consumer market is rapidly moving from several developed countries in Europe and North America to emerging countries. China, the world's largest producer, has become the world's largest consumer market.

참고 자료

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Case Study: The Impact of International Assignments on Expatriate Families
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