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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


고려대학교 과제입니다


Ⅰ. Images, Identities & Stereotypes
1. Basic theory
2. Mainstreaming & Resonance
3. Beyond Violence
4. Media and the Body
5. Media and Stereotypes

Ⅱ. Violent & Sexually explicit media
1. Violent media effects : Theories
2. Special types of media violence
3. Moderators of violent media effects
4. Different types of sexual contents
5. Characteristics of sexual contents
6. Characteristics of sexual contents in popular media
7. Effects of sexually explicit media
8. Control over violent & sexual media

Ⅲ. Entertainment media effects
1. Background
2. Theory
3. Political Talk Shows
4. Political entertainment

Ⅳ. Media & Health
1. Theoretical Frameworks
2. Health news
3. Dimensions of media effects on health
4. The internet & health communication

Ⅴ. Media, Children, & Adolescents
1. Children and the Media

Ⅵ. Uses & Effects New communication technologies
1. Selectivity online
2. Key features of internet communication
3. Internet’s democratic effects
4. Interpersonal communication online


1. Basic theory
 Cultivation Theory
- Long term socialization: systematic exposure to television’s messages over time leads to the formation of a worldview that is consistent with what is portrayed on television.
- Symbolic Environment: The media form the mainstream of the common symbolic environment that cultivates the most widely shared conceptions of reality.
- Cultivation Hypothesis: Heavy viewers of television develop view of the world similarly to what they see on television.
 A Theory of television effects
- Television Violence: Originated from the concerns about television violence effects.
- Uniformity: across channels and genres, television provides homogeneous & uniform contents saturated with violence & sex.
- Non selectivity: people habitually and non-selectively watch television, so there is little room for active reflection or resistance on the audience side.
 The Cultural Indicators Project
- Institutional process analysis: production, management, and distribution of media messages.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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