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섹스앤더시티 스크립트 107 The Monogamists

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최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Carrie wants a monogamous relationship with Mr. Big, while Samantha refuses to have one with her realtor. Mirandas feelings for Skipper intensify when she sees him with another woman, while Charlotte is faced with her new boyfriends sexual demands.

Narration: The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than seven million fascinating individuals who all behave like they own the sidewalk. But lately it seemed as if the entire city had been magically reduced to only two people·us. Four-hour conversations flew by in a space of 15 minutes and a few days apart felt like weeks. I realize that Einsteins Law of Relativity would have to be amended to include a special set of rules those to explain the peculiar effects of infatuation.

Miranda: Hi, Im trying to get a hold of a Miss Carrie Bradshaw. She used to be a friend of mine
Carrie: Good morning.
Miranda: Wait. I think I recognize that voice.
Carrie: God, I cant believe its been so long. Ive been meaning to call you. Ive just been·

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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섹스앤더시티 스크립트 107 The Monogamists
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