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섹스앤더시티 스크립트 101 Sex and the City

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Narration : Once upon a time an English journalist came to New York.
EliZabeth was attractive and bright, and right away
she hooked up with one of the city's eligible bachelors.

People : rie : The question remains, is this a company we want to own?
Narration : Tim was 42 .
A well-liked and respected banker, who made about two million a year.
They met one evening, in typical New York fashion, at a gallery opening.
Man1:: Like it?
Women1 : Yes, actually I think it's quite interesting. What?
Man1: I feel like I know you.
Women1 : Oh, doubtful.
I just moved here from London.
Man1: - Really?
That's my favorite city.
Women1 : It is?
Man1: Absolutely.
Narration : It was love at first sight.
Women1 :: You know, I think perhaps I have met you somewhere before.
Narration : For two weeks they snuggled... went to romantic restaurants...
had wonderful sex... and shared the most intimate secrets.
One day, he took her to a house he saw in the New York Times.
Women2: How about if we start at the top? There are four bedrooms upstairs.
- Do you have any children?

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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섹스앤더시티 스크립트 101 Sex and the City
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