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Words threshold for comprehending text required for high school students in Korea. (How many words should a reader know in a second language in order to read CSAT text?)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


A+ 받은 기말 Action plan 입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Literature reviews

3. Methodology of research
1) Participant
2) Data collection and analysis process

4. Conclusion
1) Findings
2) Action plan


1. Introduction
My initial question since I am a high school students’private tutor was how much vocabulary my students (as second language readers)should need to know and how it could affect students’reading comprehension. I wondered if having my students memorize words is effective for themto improve their score in CSAT and how my students can recognize the contexture meaning of the words in the text.

2. Literature reviews
The close relationship between reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge has long been recognized. Measures of lexical knowledge are among the best predictors of reading comprehension ability (Sternberg 1987). The research on reading skills by Davis (1972) and Thorndike (1973)indicated that vocabulary is a considerable factor in reading ability. Consequently, it appears that a large vocabulary can facilitate reading comprehension. But, how large is large? Bryson (1990) notes that Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and the revised Oxford English Dictionary list 450,000 and 625,000 words respectively.

참고 자료

Sternberg, R.J. (1987). Most vocabulary is learned from context in M. McKeown and M.E Curits (eds.) : The Nature of Vocabulary Acquisition. Hillsdale, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 89-105.
Bryson, M. (1990). The Mother Tongue : English and How it Got That Way. New Your : William Morrow and Company.
Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambrige : Cambridge University press.
Haggard, M.R. (1982). ‘The vocabulary self-collection : an active approach to word learning.’ Journal of Reading 27 : 203-207
Watanabe, Y. (1992). Effects of increased processing on incidental learning of foreign language vocabulary. Unpublished MA Thesis University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Hulstijin, J. H., M. Hollander, and T.Greidanus. (1996). ‘Incidental vocabulary learning by advanced foreign language students: the influence of marginal glosses, dictionary use, and reoccurrence of unknown words.’ The Modern Language Journal 80: 327-339
Parry, K. (1991). ‘Building a vocabulary through academic reading’. TESOL Quarterly 24: 629-652.
Parry, K. (1997). ‘Too many words: learning the vocabulary of an academic subject’ in T. N. Huckin, M. Haynes, and J. Coady (eds.): Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex Publishing Corp.: 109-126.
Hucking, T. N. and J. Bloch. (1997). ‘Strategies for inferring word-meaning in context: a cognitive model’ in T. N. Huckin, M. Haynes, and J. Coady (eds.): Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex Publishing Corp.: 153-76
Hulstijn, J. H. (1992). ‘Retention of inferred and given word meanings: expeiments in incidental vocabulary learning’ in P. J. L. Arnaud and H. Bejoint (eds.): Vocabulary and Applied Linguistics. London: Macmillan Academic Professional, Ltd. 113-125
Perkins, K., S. R. Brutten, and J. T. Pohlmann. (1989). ‘First and second language reading comprehension.’ RELC Journal 20: 1-9
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Words threshold for comprehending text required for high school students in Korea. (How many words should a reader know in a second language in order to read CSAT text?)
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