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압축성 유치역학 팀 프로젝트 Varible inlet design

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


경상대학교 항공우주시스템공학과 압축성유치역학
팀 프로젝트(주제 : Varible inlet design)자료 입니다.
내용은 전부 영어로 되어 있습니다.
참고하시고 열심히해서 A+받으시기 바랍니다.


1. Introduction
2. Theory - Ramjet, Movable Spike, Varible inlet
3. Equipment or Software- FLUENT, GAMBIT, CATIA
4. Procedure
5. Results - Mach number = 1.5, different angle - Mach number = 3, different angle- Mach number = 5, different angle
6. Conclusion


1. Introduction
Variable inlet is divided Ramp type and Cone type.
Among them, we understand Ramjet’s Movable Spike And Examine
Efficiency of Movable Spike depending on its Movement.
Good efficiency of Eng’ is that Mach number Decrease and Static Press’ increase in Compressor entrance.
Also We looking for difference depending on variation of the cone’s nose angle.

<중 략>

►MACH NUMBER(Mach number = 1.5, Angle 10o)
Normal mode/ Back mode
Mach number of normal mode is approximately 1.22 in the inlet.
Mach number of back mode is approximately 0.806 in the inlet.
►therefore his pictures display, back mode is lower then nomal mode.

►PRESSURE(Mach number = 1.5, Angle 10o)
Normal mode/ Back mode
Pressure of normal mode is approximately 1.55e+5 pascal in the inlet.
Pressure of back mode is approximately 2.10e+5 pascal in the inlet.
►Therefore pressure of back mode is lower and pressure is higher.

참고 자료

Compressible Fluid Flow - R. S. Myong
Modern Compressible Flow - J.D.Anderson,Jr.
Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering#2 - Richard Blockley <AIAA>
http://www.wikipedia.org/ → SR-71
항공 추진 엔진 – 구자예
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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압축성 유치역학 팀 프로젝트 Varible inlet design 무료자료보기
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