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Three Main Factors that Make English Learning Ineffective in Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


[1] Introduction
1. English fever in Korea
2. Outcomes that do not match with efforts and time spent on English learning

[2] Body
1.Koreans fous on accuracy in teaching English
2.Koreans do not put much importance on collocations
3. Interest to English learning declines as people learn English

[3] Conclusion
1. Summarizing body
2. Reminding three main factors in ineffective learning
3. Giving a second thought by reversing these main factors



There are several factors that make English learning ineffective especially to Koreans. Koreans are obsessed with learning English because they believe that English is the most important key in order to get a job or enter a university in the globalizing world. One professor has recently deplored the current pursuit of English education in South Korea as a “collective neurosis of English fever.” (Kim, 2002) Despite this overheated passion for English learning, so called English fever, Koreans’ ability to communicate in English seems to do not match with the effort they put in.

<중 략>

Second, Koreans tend to fous on memorizing words separately which makes them harder to use English fluently. A small informal pilot study (Moon, Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee, 2011) shows that when using a dictionary, most Koreans only care about finding meanings instead of actual use or examples of words. That means learners do not put much interest on how that word is used in real conversation or how that word can be translated in the context. Moreover, English teachers in schools and private institutes force students to memorize enormous words’ meanings and spellings.

참고 자료

Jung, D. (2000), ‘encouraging students to keep interest on English is one of the most important roles of a teacher,’ ‘with interest, study becomes a play making itself easily understood and memorized,’ How Should We Teach English, Seoul, Korea, Educating Publication Inc.
Masayuki, O. (2005) ‘Memorizing collocations help learners memorize words in a image,’ ‘If students memorize collocations they can enrich their vocabulary,’ Eitango Zokuzoku Kioku Ho(words that must be together), Tokyo, Japan, The Sakai Agency
Min, B.C. (2011) ‘when learning English, learner should be the center of learning process and teachers should not give one-way lecture to students,’ Be the master of English, Seoul, Korea, Hae-nam Publication
Morgan L. (2000), ‘teaching collocations is essential in every part of teaching a language’ Teaching Collocation, London, U.K., Language Teaching Publication
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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Three Main Factors that Make  English Learning Ineffective in Korea
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