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테솔TESOL - pronunciation program

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




My interviewee is a friend of mine (aged 24) who has been in Australia for about five months. He lived all his life in Korea and came here to move permanently and now he is studying at a language school in Chatswood for IELTS to go to university here. He first learned English when he was in middle school, as all Korean students do. Even before the interview we had talked a lot and he was aware of his level of English and what his problems were, but unlike many other Koreans I have met, he was quite positive and optimistic about improving his English because he was very confident that he will be able to speak fluently by the time he finishes university.

<중 략>

Of all the pronunciation problems my interviewee had, I chose long vowel ‘i:’, TH sounds (he has problems in all locations), sentence stress and connected speech because although the note I mentioned above says that Koreans should have no great difficulty making ‘i:’ sound, I have seen many who could not, and my friend was no exception, and TH sounds are Koreans’ major difficulties because we have no corresponding sounds in our language and sentence stress and connected speech to make his English sound more natural and intelligible.

참고 자료

Australian Government Publishing service, 1984. “Asian language notes No. 5. Some likely areas of difficulty for Asian learners of English”
Dalton, C and Seidlhofer, B. 1994. “Pronunciation”. Oxford University Press.
Forman, R. 1993. “Approaches to teaching English pronunciation”. Western Sydney Institute of TAFE.
Kelly, G. 2000. “How to teach pronunciation”, Longman: London.
Laroy, C. 1995. “Pronunciation: Resource book for teachers”. Oxford University Press.
Zawadzki, H. 1994. “In Tempo: An English pronunciation course”. NCELTR, Macquarie University

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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