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Presented diversity of views about community college (higher education)

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최종 저작일
15페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Community colleges were built to offer more opportunity for education and to provide more benefits to people who live in United States. Through this supportive system of education, various types of students are given the opportunity to have second or third chances in improving and developing their knowledge. This is crucial, I believe, for it provides the society with more prepared individuals who would contribute to the community. There is no doubt four-year universities are more acknowledged institutions than community colleges.

<중 략>

some students decided to go to community college for saving money in two years. If students decide go to community college, universities would accept transfer credit that if from community college. So students would save money and time at community college. Although some students could go to university with high grade, some students couldn’t go to university directly because of low grade at high school. In other words, some students couldn’t go to university directly because of high school grade.

참고 자료

ANONYMOUS. Community Colleges - The History of Community Colleges, The junior college and the research university. The Community College Mission
Elizabeth Olson. Community Colleges Want You. From: New York Times. 24 October 2006.
John Merrow. COMMUNITY COLLEGE; Dream Catchers. From: New York Times. 22 April 2007.
CAROLYN MARSHALL. Students May Have Paid Cash to Change Grades, College Says. New York: New York Times. 5 May 2007
ANONYMOUS. Life after high school: Economy makes community colleges much more desirable. Fom: www.foster.com, April 9 2011.
DAVID KOEPPEL. Community Colleges Offer Fast-Track Training for Jobs.
New York: The New York Times, April 11 2004.
DANIEL SEYMOUR. Why Community Colleges Must Reach Lower.
Nanette Asimov, Chronicle Staff Writer. “Community college classes are tough to get into. From: SFGate.com, March 28, 2011.
Marthy Kasper. Lack of state Funding Prompts Community College to Up Tuition Costs. From: MyStateLine.com. Web. 31 March 2011
BRUCE WATSON. How to Slash Your Tuition Costs: Spend Some Time at Community College. From: Daily Finance. 9 April 2011
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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