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군 가산점 제도에 관한 A+ 영어 에세이(영작, 영어쓰기)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어쓰기 A+ 에세이입니다.
군가산점제도 찬반 논쟁에 관한 에세이입니다.


1. Introduction
2. The law discriminates against women and disabled people.
3. The law about the extra points is against the right to take a public office.
4. The law about the extra points causes discrimination among discharged soldiers.
5. Conclusion


If you are at the Science & Technology campus of SungKyunKwan University, you can see many male students are walking on the campus. However, most of them will disappear after they became sophomores, because they have to join the army and protect Korea. As a result, they cannot avoid being late to prepare for tests for entering the government office. Therefore, a law that gives extra points to discharged soldiers was applied from 1961 to 1999. Although 80% of Korean people agree with this law, there are three negative effects from this law. It discriminates against women and disabled people, it is against the Korean Constitution, and it also discriminates soldiers.

참고 자료

Jung Jinsung, "Improvement of the extra points for the discharged soldiers for the view of feminism" Korean Woman's Studies 117th edition, 2001, Print
Kim Juduk, "The extra points for the discharged soldiers : political reward such as improvement if army is first", Assembly Newsletter, 2010, Print
South Korea, Korean Constitution article 25, Seoul, 1948, Print
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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