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Artist Reactions to War- 미국 명문대 현대미술 페이퍼,

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 20,000원 할인쿠폰받기




During World War I, artists contributed to the cause of the war, whether positive or negative, through paintings, song, and even photographs. In 1914, artist Otto Dix painted two self portraits. The first was titled Self-Portrait as a Soldier and the second was titled Self-Portrait as a Gunner. The painting of Dix as a soldier used a mix of reds and whites said to be “a celebration of strength and violence verging on savagery” (Art of the First World War 2009). Through the painting, Dix proclaims the necessity of going to war and his readiness to join. In contrast, his second self portrait features “all pervasive black, the shadow around the helmeted head, the worried look” on the face (Art of the First World War 2009). It’s a new expression from within the war zone itself. War is real. War is horrifying. The soldier is scared.

In 1915, Le Miroir, published a photograph of a shell exploding while soldiers fought one another in “a landscape of meadows and woods” (Art of the First World War 2009).

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Artist Reactions to War- 미국 명문대 현대미술 페이퍼,
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