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(영문 레포트) Korea’s Unification is impossible 남북통일은 불가능하다

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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남북 통일에 관한 견해를 영문으로 작성한 레포트입니다. APA 스타일의 출처도 완벽하게 기재되어 있습니다.
미국 콜로라도 대학교에서 제출한 레포트 입니다.
참고로 개인적으로 남북통일은 불가능하다는 입장에서 작성하였습니다.


1. Introduction – Division of the Peninsula
2. Economic Barrier
3. Culture and Ideology Barrier
4. Conclusion


Introduction – Division of the Peninsula
After 33 years of Japanese occupation, Korean independence officially occurred on the 1st of December 1943. But the U.S and Soviet Union thought that the Korean peninsula needed protection from them and selected the 38th parallel as the dividing line on the Korean peninsula. Therefore, the U.S military forces occupied southern Korea and Soviet military forces occupied northern Korea. On the 9th of September 1948, this separation gained permanence when the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was established in Pyungyang. This event occured three weeks earlier than the formation of the Republic of Korea (ROK).

<중 략>

According to Coghlan (2008), “Chuche” ideology is a fundamental ideology of the DPRK and is “the independent attitude of rejecting dependence on others and of using one’s own powers. Believing in one’s own strength and displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance.” It stresses the significance of holding nuclear weapon in the DPRK and justifies the reason why they have to keep spending their budget to develop nuclear weapons in terms of ‘Independence’ even though people are dying of hunger.
To keep people brain washed, the DPRK made a rule that all North Koreans were required to attend study groups and “re-education” meetings where this concept was emphasized. Korean unification will result in a need to teach North Koreans to think independently to allow them to function in a market economy and democratic society.

참고 자료

CIA. (2013). “CIA.” www.cia.gov
Coghlan, C. D. (2008). Prospects from Korean reunification., (pp. 4-16).
yongsoo, G. (2011). Korean uniication dilemma ., (pp. 1-16).
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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(영문 레포트) Korea’s Unification is impossible 남북통일은 불가능하다
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