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[영어레포트] 중동문제에 관한 오바마의 자유주의 외교정책

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미국대학교에서 A를 받은 영어에세이입니다.

중동문제에 대한 오바마 대통령의 자유주의 외교정책과 부시 대통령의 신보수주의(neo-con) 외교정책을 연설을 참고로 하여 비교했습니다.

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Although his speech of May 19, 2011, suggests some of the neo-conservative concerns of Bush doctrine at some points, President Obama’s fundamental idea of international relations lies within liberalism. Obama’s primary concern is to bring about more peace and prosperity to the Middle East and North Africa by political intervention, but not unilaterally, unlike the Bush administration.He thinks such intervention is one of the United States’ responsibilitiesbecause of its political relation to the region. The main reason for American involvement in the Middle East and North Africa,

<중 략>

This reminds me of Voltaire, a liberal thinker of the 18th Century, who said “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.Likewise Obama presents himself as a liberal throughout the speech. He pursues the multilateral peace-building process in contrast tothe realist unilateralism practiced by George W. Bush. His consistent policies suggest his view of the international relations as a positive-sum game where the democratic and liberal cooperation among states would lead to the peace and prosperity for all.

참고 자료

Obama, Barack. “Obama delivers a speech on the Middle East and North Africa”. Post Politics.
Jervis, Robert. Understanding the Bush Doctrine. New York : Political Science Quarterly, 2003.
Voltaire. Wikiquote.org. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Voltaire#Attributed
Locke, John. Wikiquote.org. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Locke
Oh, Semi. Staging Colonial Ideology at the Choson Industrial Exhibition in 1915. New York : Columbia University Press, p.2
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어레포트] 중동문제에 관한 오바마의 자유주의 외교정책
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