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대한 항공 분석 및 신규 상품 기획 전략(The Analysis of the Korean Air and creation of the new product)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
30페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


대한항공의 간단한 역사와 마케팅 및 경영 전략 분석을 하였고, 새로운 상품 개발이 주가 되는 프레젠테이션입니다.
영문 프레젠테이션으로서, 영어로 마케팅 수업이나 상품 개발 및 전략 수업을 듣는 분들께 도움이 될 것 같습니다.
프레젠테이션 노트에 자세한 내용이 적혀있어, 발표나 레포트에 참고하시면 될 것 같습니다.


1. History of Korean Air

2. Korean Air S.W.O.T
1) Strength
2) Weakness
3) Opportunity
4) Threat

3. Marketing mix of new porduct
1) Product
2) Place
3) Price
4) Process
5) Promotion
6) People
7) Physical evidence


1. History of Korean Air

Korean Air was founded by the South Korean Government in 1962 as Korean Air Lines to replace Korean National Airlines,which was founded in 1946. On 1 March 1969 the Hanjin Transport Group took control of the fledgling airline. Long-haul freight operations were introduced on 26 April 1971 followed by passenger services to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on 19 April 1972.
International flights to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Los Angeles were flown with Boeing 707s until the introduction of Boeing 747 in 1973. In 1973, KAL introduced Boeing 747s on their Pacific routes and started a European service to Paris using the 707 and DC-10. In 1975 KAL became one of Airbus`s first Asian customers with the purchase of three A300s, which were put into immediate service on Asian routes.
A blue-top, silver and redesigned livery with a new corporate "Korean Air" logo featuring an accented, stylized "taegeukgi" design was introduced on 1 March 1984 and the airline`s name changed to Korean Air from Korean Air Lines.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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대한 항공 분석 및 신규 상품 기획 전략(The Analysis of the Korean Air and creation of the new product)
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