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The wisdom from the ancient: Reduce Stress with Tai Chi

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11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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The wisdom from the ancient: Reduce Stress with Tai Chi




Many people from all around the world practice Tai Chi, one of the ancient martial arts originated from China. They learn Tai Chi for martial art, self-defense, self-control, or mental calmness. Tai Chi with Eastern Taoism philosophy is characterized as slow and soft movement. Through generations, Tai Chi has developed in different styles and different forms, but most of new practitioners start with the simplified 24 forms Tai Chi which is purposely made for its simplicity and easiness to learn.

<중 략>

Placebo effect is that people can have effectiveness by simply believing that the treatments upon them cure their disease even if the treatments have no efficacy of medicine. So open studies can make the participations to believe that Tai Chi can reduce their stress and relax their bodies, then the participations experience stress reduction regardless of real effectiveness of Tai Chi.
The researches that have studied until now have a limitation that most participants are the new beginners practicing Tai Chi within a year.

참고 자료

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The wisdom from the ancient: Reduce Stress with Tai Chi
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