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the servant 영문 독후감

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Summary
3. Body
4. Conclusion


The book The Servant : A Simple Story About The True Essence of Leadership was written by James C. Hunter, published on Sep 1998. His book is the text used in many universities and other higher education curricula and has sold over 4.2 million copies. He speaks on The Servant to readers and has personally coached over 2,100 executives in developing the skills of Servant Leadership.

I found The Servant helpful because it described how to become a better leader or the CEO. The author presents several ideas in the book which I felt were significant. The first is the idea of the qualities of a Servant Leader.

1. Patient – showing self-control.
2. Kind – giving attention, appreciation, and encouragement.
3. Respectful – treating others as important people.
4. Selfless – meeting the needs of others.
5. Forgiving – giving up resentment when wronged.
6. Honest – being free from deception.
7. Committed – sticking to your choices.

참고 자료

The Servant : A Simple Story About The True Essence of Leadership by Hunter, James C. The Servant. N.p. : n.p., 1998.
Good reads : With a new introduction on using the principles of The Servant in your life and career. by Hardcover, 224 pages Published September 1st 1998 by Crown Business
The New York Times : The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.324 pp. New York
Books : The Secret Servant by Daniel Silva by ManOfLaBook.com , published Aug 21, 2012
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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