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legalizing drug

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


약물 합법화




Legalizing Drugs
Recently, the people who abuse drugs are getting increase day by day. Drugs show to people very attractive. So people take these, and they addict to these. We have a lot of serious problems about drug. Some people think if we get "Drug Legalization," many problems will be solved. However, that is passing over many truths. Illegal drugs have to be illegal because they are harmful to our body. Therefore, I don`t support drug legalization, even though its addiction is strong or not. We do not need to legalize drugs.
One of the biggest problems is addiction. Drug legalization could decrease price and increase availability. This will bring an increase in drug users. Increased user of drugs leads to increased addiction. Drug addiction has many serious problems. People think of nothing but how to keep up their drug habit. When they don`t get their drug, the addict suffers become insufferable pains. They will do anything, to get their drug: sell their last possessions like internal organs, beg without shame, and steal. “During the 19th Century, morphine was legally refined from opium and hailed as a miracle drug. Many soldiers of the Civil War who were given morphine for their wounds became addicted to it, and this addiction increased

참고 자료

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Retrieved 6-5-2010 from http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/demand/speakout/06so.htm
Heroin Effects Retrieved 6-5-2010 from http://www.heroin-effects.com/index.htm
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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