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최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Introduction of Editing


I. Introduction

II. Concept of digital editing.
1. Selection of cuts
2. Order of cuts

III. Types of digital video editing and definition.
1. Film editing
2. Video editing
3. Non-linear editing
4. Definition of Non-linear editing system

IV. Step of digital editing

V. Advantages of Non-linear editing.


I. Introduction
In the past, expensive equipment and high technological skills were required in order to create broadcasting quality media works that apply a variety of effects.
These days, anyone who desires can easily become a video journalist due to the advanced digital media techniques and the availability of low price, non-linear editing card.
Linear is connecting the analog image of a video or TV using a play and recording VCR to edit. This is an analog editing process.
On the other hand, recording analog video signals as digital signals in the hard disk and editing them on the computer is non-linear, digital editing.
Compared to analog editing, digital editing is much cheaper and the size of the equipment is relatively smaller. Once the image source is entered into the computer through the editing board, it is able to change into a digital file so any additional effects or editing doesn’t affect the quality of image, and that’s one of the biggest advantages in digital

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