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Fabrication of Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffolds and Design Variables

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


term paper


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Background of Bone Tissue Engineering
3.0 Current State-of-the-Art
3.1 Fabrication Methods of Bone Scaffolds
3.2 Design Variables
3.2.1 Measurement of Porosity
3.2.2 Surface Modification and Cell Adhesion
3.2.3 Compressive Modulus
4.0 Shortcomings and Future Improvements


Abstract. Scaffold-guided tissue regeneration technique has developed in order to seek patient-specific and permanent treatment for bone defect. The growth of bone tissue engineering provides significant improvement in orthopedics by reducing infection rate and immunogenicity that previous medical therapies had. For the fabrication of scaffold-implant, biomaterials such as hydroxyapatite, polymers, ceramics, and metals are used along with laser sintering and high temperature heating [1]. Yet, scaffold-implants with those materials do not completely satisfy the conditions similar to natural bone structure. A porous three-dimensional scaffold, however, corresponds with required design variables, which would direct cell migration, differentiation, and proliferation [1].

<중 략>

Such inefficient mass transport of nutrients is caused by failure of successful vascularization in artificially fabricated bone scaffold. In attempt to solve the shortcoming, researchers applied bioreactors that allow better mass transport and cellular ingrowth. However, the frequent collisions between scaffold and rotating bioreactors again resulted in cell damage. In order to overcome the side effect, I came up with the solution method that would lessen the collisions. If we wrap up the bioreactor with smooth semi-permeable film with appropriate pore sizes that allow osmosis, contact between bioreactor and scaffold will be reduced and bioreactor, as well, will provide high mass transport of nutrients as it should be.

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