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final fastfood paper

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


fast food problems , obesity essay




Eating food that is cheap, fast, and easily accessible is comfortable, but it does not provide a balanced diet, which threatens the body’s health. Still many people are not aware of the disadvantages of eating this type of diet, because of the fact that fast food’s biggest merits are delicious taste and speedy service. Compromising nutrition with taste and time with preservatives and additives shows that we now live in a new generation. ?A fast-paced generation is depicted in the documentary, Super Size Me (Spurlock, 2004), where the harsh realities of a poor diet and its consequences are revealed. This movie follows Spurlock, the director

<중 략>

Contrast to the missing nutrients, fat is prominent in fast food. Of course, fat is an important energy source for the body, keeping temperature steady, and composing cell membranes (Benton). However, the thing that is different with trans-fats, is that it is artificially made for convenience in transporting and storing food. Fast food restaurant states an excuse by saying; they are using vegetable fat instead of animal fat. However, vegetable fat converted to trans-fat is solid fat, which also blocks the blood vessel because the hydrogen is added ("The truth about," 2007).

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