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coronary artery fistula (CAF) ppt

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11페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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coronary artery fistula에 대한 ppt입니다.
다수의 저널을 참고하였으며
주요 내용 표시까지 빨간색, 파란색으로 영상자료와 함께 표시하였습니다.




Trauma (stab, gunshot or projectile injuries)
invasive cardiac procedures
pacemaker implantation
endomyocardial biopsy
coronary angiography

LCA (35%)
both (5%)
RV (40%)
RA (26%)
pulmonary arteries (17%)
SVC, coronary sinus, LA LV

Left to right shunt
Coronary artery steal phenomenon
Asymptomatic 40~55%

hemodynamic significance

Diagnosis of CAF
Murmur : loud, superficial, and continuous
lower or midsternal border
CXR, EKG : normal / ischemia
TTE 2D echo: diagnosis
Doppler echocardiography
continuous turbulent systolic and diastolic flow pattern
coronary angiography : modality of choice
size and anatomical features
coronary CTA : non-invasive

Assessment of congenital coronary artery fistulas by transesophageal color Doppler echocardiographyThe American Journal of Medicine, Volume 113, Issue 2, Pages 127-133Antonio Vitarelli, Guglielmo De Curtis, Ysabel Conde, Mario Colantonio, Giulia Di Benedetto, Piero Pecce, Luigi De Nardo, Ettore Squillaci
Color Doppler transesophageal echocardiography as a compelemetary role not only in the diagnosis but also in the localization of coronary
artery fistulas, especially those that are not identified with angiography.

참고 자료

Coronary arteriovenous fistulas in the adults: natural history and management strategies, Yusuf Ata, Tamer Turk, Murat Bicer, Mihriban Yalcin, Filiz Ata, Senol Yavuz Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2009, 4:62 (6 November 2009)
Buxton B, Ventimeglia R, Reul GJ, Cooley DA. Congenital coronary-to-pulmonary artery fistula: diagnosis and treatment. Cardiovasc Dis. 1976; 3 (2): 202-9.
Umana E, Massey CV, Painter JA. Myocardial ischemia secondary to a large coronary-pulmonary fistula—a case report, Angiology. 2002;53(3):353–7.
Mohammed M. Taleb, Mujeeb A. Sheikh, Christopher J. Cooper and Jodi L. Tinkel, Multiple coronary to pulmonary artery fistulas: a case report and review of the literature, Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics
An Unusual Huge Coronary Artery Aneurysm with Fistula, Chung-Chi Yang,1 Yu-Wen Chen,3 Chien-Sung Tsai,2 Cheng-Chung Cheng3 and Tien-Ping Tsao3, Acta Cardiol Sin 2006;22:404
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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