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narrative essay, 나레이티브 에세이, 왕좌의 게임, Game of Thrones

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


나레이티브 에세이 입니다.
왕좌의 게임 책을 서술 한 것으로 첨삭 받았고 내용면에서 A 이상 받았습니다.
총 5문단짜리 에세이입니다.




The British soap opera, The Game of Thrones, has paid attention to world`s viewers since the pilot episode. Even though it is based on ancient Europe background, the story has reflected the modern society politically. One of the main reasons that the show has been beloved is related with the unique characters. Some beholders especially love the character, Daenerys Targaryen, who gives deep impression by overcoming some obstacles in the play.
Her first impression in the pilot episode looked very weak and passive. Her brother, Viserys Targaryen, had a great desire to govern and conquer the continents and he took advantage of her by forcing her to get married with a Dothraki horselord named Khal Drogo. He looked like a giant tree. She tried to avoid the unfavorable wedding because her husband was known as a savage and uncivilized person. Surprisingly, despite some viewers` expectation of her unfortunate married-life, she showed how to adapt her harsh life. She stood behind a step and took care of what`s going on. Her horse was her husband because she did not communicate with her husband. She also devoted in learning the Dothraki language and accustomed to riding a horse for a long time. She did not treat her people as savages and played her role dutifully. Finally, she succeeded in gaining the heart of her husband and won the trust of her people. Through the overcoming the first obstacle, she became a good example that heaven helps those who help themselves.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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narrative essay, 나레이티브 에세이, 왕좌의 게임, Game of Thrones
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