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임용 필독 도서 teacher`s grammar TG chapter21 요약본입니다. 한 눈에 보기 쉽고 가지런 하게 정리 되어 있습니다.




CHAPTER 21 Complements

Verbs are limited as to the kinds of complements they can take.

That is a complementizer (it can be distinguished from the relative pronoun that in that it follows verbs rather than nouns and cannot be replaced by which). That complements contain overt subjects, which need not be identical to the subject of the sentence. That complements are finite clause - the verb in the clause is inflected for tense.

a. He thinks that she is beautiful.
b. I regret that I had to punish him.

In that they contain a subject and a verb inflected for tense, that complements are like the that subject clauses we saw. There is, however, a difference: the complementizer that can often be omitted from the complement, especially in informal speech.

Main clause verbs that report speech - for example, reply, say, and tell, occur with that complements. Also common with that complements are verbs that express mental acts - for example, believe, comprehend, heel, find, guess, know, see, think, and understand. Certain of these verbs that take that clauses have been called "factive predicates" because their complement is assumed to be a fact. For some native speakers, sentences with factive predicates are unacceptable when the complementizer is omitted.

a. She replied that he must have been mistaken,
b. I regret that I had to punish him.
c. ?I regret I had to punish him.

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