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[HBS] KONE: The MonoSpace Launch in Germany 케이스 리포트(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


마케팅 케이스 중 분석이 어렵기로 유명한 하버드 비즈니스리뷰 KONE 케이스(9-501-070 rev. 2005) 에서 제품이 가지는 cusotmer value proposition 분석에 의거하여 코네의 신제품 모노스페이스가 가지는 customer value을 정량적으로 분석하여 채널 전략 및 마케팅 전략을 체계적으로수립하고 논리적인 답을 제시하여 MBA 마케팅 수업 A+ 점수를 받은 우수 영문 리포트입니다.

단순히 정성적 분석만을 통해 수학적 분석과정없이 결론을 도출한 리포트와 차원이 다르며, 해외 MBA 실제 리포트중 우수작을 비교 분석하고 자신의 분석을 추가하여 정리한 설득력있는 리포트로 가격대비 매우 충실한 자료임을 자신합니다.
도움되시기 바라며, 좋은 자료라고 생각되시면 구매평가도 꼬옥 부탁드립니다~~


1. Introduction
2. MonoSpace value propositions
3. Situational analysis
4. Key decision makers
5. Monospace Germany launch strategy
6. Marketing strategy: 4P
7. Competitor’s reaction
8. Beyond Germany
9. Conclusion


1. Introduction
Kone is currently facing a precarious financial situation in an industry that competes on price rather than differentiation. Should the situation persist, losses for 1996 will be imminent. With the launch of Kone MonoSpace in Germany, however, the company hopes to make profits as it expands its product line in this very critical market. Germany’s elevator market is the largest in continental Europe and with a market size of 15,500 units in 1995, it is more than the market sizes of the Netherlands, France and the UK combined. The German market is, thus, critical because of its sheer market size and its potential to bring Kone back into a profit making business. This report seeks to address the key considerations of the MonoSpace launch in Germany, its launch strategy and implementation process.

2. MonoSpace’s Value Propositions
Currently, MonoSpace can only be used in low-rise buildings because it can not operate on buildings with more than 12 levels. Value propositions of the MonoSpace include:
1. Machine-room-less A machine room is typically 25% of the total elevator cost for geared traction and slightly less for hydraulic elevators. Without the machine room, developers will have more area to rent out or sell.
2. More comfortable ride “EcoDisc” offers a more comfortable ride as compared to a gearless traction elevator, the most expensive option for an elevator.
3. Extremely energy efficient The energy saved is considerable, ranging between one third to half of other elevator systems. In addition, electrical fuses required for the MonoSpace were $42 a year, significantly cheaper compared to $559 a year for geared traction elevator fuses and $1,119 a year for hydraulic elevator fuses.
4. No oil required Potential fire and environmental hazards are eliminated, as is the cost of oil.
5. Shorter installation time Requires 60 hours less time compared to the simplest traditional elevator
6. Lower construction and installation cost
Cost savings can amount to 5% of savings for the construction company

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판매자 유형Diamond개인인증
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[HBS] KONE: The MonoSpace Launch in Germany 케이스 리포트(영문)
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