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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


[Feb. 14th. 2007]Weather forecast of a wintry mix of snow and rain.JetBlue pressed ahead with flight schedules, hoping to be warmer.Hundreds of passengers was trapped inside JetBlue planes for 6~11 hours.From 3 PM to evening, passengers landed at terminal with the help of Port Authority.JetBlue AirwaysTimeline




01. Company Description

JetBlue Airways
Company Description

Part 1.

One of American low-cost airlines in Queens, NY
Hub airport : John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) / more than 60% of jetBlue planes use a day
Unlike other low-cost airlines,
Differentiated services such as wide and comfortable
seats, serving free snacks, seat-back TV Service, etc.
- Recruitment of ‘outgoing’ employees
- Fun, young, friendly and energetic corporate image.
Founded by David Neeleman in 1999
“bringing humanity back to air travel & making the experience of flying happier and easier for everyone.”

참고 자료

W. Timothy Coombs, Sherry J. Holladay (2011), ‘The Handbook of Crisis Communication’
Jetblue official website : http://www.jetblue.com
Case Study: JetBlue, From Meltdown To Recovery http://www.pinnycohen.com/2007/03/01/marketing-wisdom/case-study-jetblue-from-meltdown-to-recovery
Blog (Jet blue : A valentine's day hostage crisis) : http://jetbluehostage.blogspot.com/
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