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[영문]utilization of silver labor,실버 노동력의 활용,노동경제학,labor economics

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실버 노동력의 활용에 관한 영문 term paper 입니다.
실제로 작성해서 제출했던 자료이구요, 마지막에 bibliography도 첨부가 되어 있습니다.




Human productivity accelerates industrial development and ultimately results in substantial social changes, such as improvement of hygiene, higher standards of living, and dramatic progress in medical science. These changes directly or indirectly led to an extension of the human life span. The resulting increase of senior citizens in the total population is becoming a critical issue in many countries. Modern society is changing quickly and the graying of the population is one of the fastest changing aspects of the modern workplace. This fact cannot be disregarded by corporations, governments, and other workplace policy stakeholders. In general, a society is called an ‘ageing society’ if at least 7% are senior citizens of total populations and an ‘aged society’ is one in which there are at least 15% senior citizens. A society that includes 20% of senior citizens out of total populations is called a ‘post-aged society’. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2009) the U.S. was already an ageing society by 1945. It is estimated that the U.S.A will become an aged society by 2014.

참고 자료

Deller, Jurgen; Liedtke, Patrick M.; Maxin, Leena M. (2010) “Old-Age Security and Silver Workers: An Empirical Survey Identifies Challenges for Companies, Insurers and Society.” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice, v.34, pp. 134-157
Hayashi, Chiemi; Olkkonen, Heli; Sikken, Bernd Jan; Yermo, Juan (August 2010) “Transforming Pensions and Health Care in a Rapidly Ageing World: Opportunities and Collaborative Strategies.” Transforming Pensions and Healthcare in a Rapidly Ageing World, v. 15, iss.3, pp. 161-74.
Khan, Hayat (February 2010) “Private Intergenerational Transfers and Their Ability to Offset the Fiscal Burden of Ageing.” Pacific Economic Review, v. 15, iss. 1, pp. 116-51.
Leslie, Derek Blackaby, David Murphy, Philip; O`Leary, Nigel (2009). “The Employment and Earnings of Britain`s Senior Citizens.” Economic Issues of England, September, v. 14, iss. 2, pp. 1-25.
Monten, Anna; Thum, Marcel. “Ageing Municipalities, Gerontocracy and Fiscal Competition.” (June 2010) European Journal of Political Economy, v. 26, iss. 2, pp. 235-47.
Round, John (2006). “The Economic Marginalization of Post-Soviet Russia`s Elderly Population and the Failure of State Ageing Policy: A Case Study of Magadan City.” Oxford Development Studies, December, v. 34, iss. 4, pp. 441-56.
Swartz, Katherine (Spring 2010) “Challenges in an Aging Society: Presidential Address to APPAM.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, v. 29, iss. 2, pp. 227-42.
WTO (2001), International Trade Statistics Yearbook, (2001), v.01
WTO (2001-2002), UN World Population Prospects, (2001-2002), v.01
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탑툰 이벤트
[영문]utilization of silver labor,실버 노동력의 활용,노동경제학,labor economics
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