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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Ⅰ. Correct the mistakes.
Ⅱ. What kind of party is it? Match the sentence to the type of party.
Ⅲ. Read the passage and answer.
Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks using modal auxiliary verbs.
Ⅴ. Read the following passage, and answer the questions.


Ⅰ. Correct the mistakes.
A: Let`s get ready going to the company picnic.( to go )
B: OK. First, we need to preparing our lunch. What should we bring? ( prepare )
A: I need save some money. Do you think I should get another job? ( to save )
B: No, not really. But maybe you should stop to buy so many clothes. ( buying )
A: I have a date tomorrow. I need getting something new to wear. ( to get )
B: O.K. Let`s to go shopping. Where do you want to go? ( go )
A: I`ve got so much to do today. Are you going help me? ( to help )
B: Sure, no problem.
A: We have pick up the children from school at 3:00. Can you do it? ( to pick up )
B: Sorry, I`m afraid I can`t.
Ⅱ. What kind of party is it? Match the sentence to the type of party.
1. I`m going to dress up as a clown. What are you going to wear? ( a costume party )
2. Are you going to Martha`s party? I can`t wait to see her new house!
( a housewarming party )
3. We`re going to grill some steak and some chicken. Can you bring a salad?
( a barbecue party )
a birthday party, a surprise party, a dance party, an office party,
a housewarming party, a costume party, a barbecue party, a farewell party
Ⅲ. Read the passage and answer.

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