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Prejudices in the Disney Films 디즈니영화 속 선입견들

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10장 분량의 영어 레포트 입니다.


Prejudices in the Disney Animation
Aladdin : Racial Prejudices
Pocahontas : Distortion historical facts and Indian culture
Mulan : Prejudices against Women


In this way Disney animations have been in danger of biasing growing children against race, culture and women. Therefore when children are of an age to establish their identities, parents and guardians such as teachers should pay attention to choose movies and animations to prevent them from watching such the Disney films. If not, they should provide children with the fact that the films are problematic and correct information relating to the animations.
Not only parents and teachers have to perform their roles, but also the Disney should not produce animations containing problematic and biased information. Being a large part of the global animation industry, the Disney has to realize that they have a social responsibility to produce healthy animation films for children. Therefore, the company has not to produce distorted anmations.

참고 자료

Booth,William.“Cast of Villains”.The Washington Post (23 June 2007). 20 November 2010. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- dyn/content/article/2007/06/22/AR2007062202158.html>
Brunette, Libby and Mallry, Claudette and Wood, Shannon. “Stereotypes & Racism in Children’s Movies”. 10 November 2010. <http://www.nhaeyc.org/newsletters/articles/Racism_in_Childrens_Movies.pdf >
Ketchem, Ash. “Mulan: the Complete Script”. 28 November 2010 <http://www.fanpop.com/external/1998658>
Shweffi, Dana. “Do Disney movies promote anti-Semitism and racism?”(16 August 2009). 20 November 2010.< http://www.haaretz.com/news/do-disney-movies- promote-anti-semitism-and-racism-1.282097>
김, 일환. “디즈니 읽기: 뮬란의 이데올로기 Reading Disney: Ideological Approach to Mulan” Notes to 영어영문학21 Vol. 17. pp4-11. 21세기영어영 문학회.2004
연, 동원. 영화 vs. 역사 Movie vs. History. 학문사 Hak Moon Sa. 2002
판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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