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15페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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고상소결실험 결과보고서 영어로 된 보고서 입니다.


1. Related theory
2. Experimental procedures
3. Experimental conditions
4. Result
5. Consideration


1. Related theory
(Solid and Liquid state sintering)
The powder makes shaping be possible by stress which is wide because it has fluidity. It has advantage over shaping various products. The shaping processes applied in the powder include die compaction, slip casting, tape casting, extrusion, injection molding, isostatic pressure shaping and rolling.
1. solid state sintering
Sintering is the processing technique in which parts formed of powder materials are thermally treated at temperatures below the melting point of the main constituent for the purpose of increasing the strength of the parts by bonding particles together. All ceramic materials and many high temperature metals are sintered because this process allows parts to be formed at temperatures well below their melting point, which range from 1400 to 3000 °C depending on the material. A powder compact before sintering is a porous packing of loose powder that is held together by weak surface bonds. Initial porosity of the compact typically ranges from 35% to 50% of full density. During sintering the individual particles fuse together to create a dense, strong monolithic part.
The driving force for the sintering process is the reduction in surface free energy of the particle. This reduction is achieved by diusional transport of material from the centers of particles to the particleparticle necks. As individual particles fuse, the surface area of the particles decreases. This leads to the free energy reduction in the system, which drives sintering. Macroscopically this driving

참고 자료

1. 이규만. 재료과학_세라믹 강의자료.
2. 분체공학 / 로즈, 마틴. 東和技術, 2005.
3. http://www.machineinfo.co.kr. 머신인포. 전문지식(세라믹스 이론).
판매자 유형Silver개인


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