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[영문]니모를 찾아서 영화 분석

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최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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니모를 찾아서 영화학적 측면에서 분석


1. Synopsis
2. Analysis of narrative structure
3. Analysis of characters
4. Analysis of images
5. Conclusion


2. Analysis of narrative structure

Finding Nemo has two narrative structures – Marlin’s adventure and Nemo’s. The story has one structure in the beginning, but diverges into two as Nemo parts from Marline, and integrated into one again at the end.

1) Deficiency
#1 Marline loses Coral and most of their eggs.
#2 He names the only egg left Nemo, which Coral wanted for one of her children, and raises him in over-care.
2) Conflict between father and son and reconciliation
This part is from Nemo’s fist day in school to his kidnapping. Nemo and Marlin have a conflict over Marlin’s overprotection. It can be divided into scenes as follows:

#3. Nemo wakes up Marlin to go to school.
#4. Marline takes Nemo to school, but he is full of worries.
#5. Marline exchanges greetings with other parents. Pressed to tell jokes, Marlin talks about a see slug only to find the story going over like a lead balloon.
#6. Marlin follows Nemo’s class, hearing them going out to the cliff.
#7. Nemo, outraged by his father’s overprotection, swims to the boat and gets caught by a scuba diver.

#19. Marlin wakes up Nemo to take him to school.
#20. Marline in good mood arrives at school with Nemo.
#21. Greeting with other parents, Marline is encouraged to tell jokes and brings up the story of a sea slug, which is well enjoyed by them with hearty laughs.

참고 자료

Books -
Chandler, Daniel. (2002). Semiotics: The Basics. London: Routledge
Jung, Carl G. (1964) Man and his symbols. New York: Doubleday
The Analysis of Film by Raymond Bellour and Constance Penley (Paperback - 1 Feb 2002)


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