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[영문]지브리 스튜디오의 마케팅 전략

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


PLC, 4P, Marketing tools, Ghibli Studio’s marketing strategy , Creative strategy .etc


1. What is film marketing?
2. Basic elements of marketing - 4P
3. Marketing tools
4. Ghibli Studio’s marketing strategy
5. Development directions of marketing strategies
6. Promotion strategy development directions
7. Advertising strategy development directions
8. Promotion strategy development directions


1. What is film marketing?
Film marketing literally refers to ‘marketing film’ to suit a particular market environment. The film here, of course, is addressed totally as a product, excluding its artistic values. Film marketing basically applies the concept of marketing to the framework of film industry to satisfy more people and maximize profits of film industry.
In general, all products have Product Life Cycle (PLC) that goes through processes: development stage-> initial entry stage -> growth stage -> stability stage -> decline stage. Given film as a product, PLC in film involves a process: showing at first-runners -> showing at second-runners -> video tape release -> showing on cable -> showing on TV. Since a movie as a product should have a competitive edge to obtain box-office values, its concept should be developed based upon thorough planning and marketing strategies, avoiding production with rough planning and organization. That is to say, from brining up with ideas for film, producing it, releasing it at theatres and as video tapes, showing on TV, to showing at second0runners, the most optimized strategies should be adopted and implemented at every stage.
Then, what is a strategy? The term, ‘strategy,’ originated from art of war or military science. In general, management strategy can be defined as ‘important decision-making that offers and maintain business’s competitive strategies.’ A strategy presupposes situations of competition, so it is not necessary to discuss in a situation without competition. Strategic thinking can serve as specific guidelines that help people make a systematic analysis of how to win competitive edges in such situations of competitions.

참고 자료

Books -
The Animation Business Handbook by Karen Raugust - Aug 26, 2004
Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation : Films, Themes, Artistry by Helen McCarthy - Sep 1, 1999
3G Marketing on the Internet, Seventh Edition: Third Generation Internet Marketing Strategies for Online Success by Susan Sweeney, Andy MacLellan, and Ed Dorey - Mar 1, 2006
Japan Animation Business Strategies – Japan Nikkei BP - ISBN : 8946028688

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