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2010-계측해부학 PPT

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
57페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


2010-계측해부학 PPT


1. Introduction

2. Craniometry
1) Definition
2) Landmarks
3) Measurements
4) Analysis

3. Cephalometry
1) Definition
2) Landmarks & Reference Planes
3) Measurements
4) Analysis


• Definition: measurement of human head and body
• Scope: somatometry, osteometry, craniometry, cephalometry, odontometry
• Origin: The methodology probably began because of the interest in the racial classifications (in search of the origin of the human races: monogenism vs polygenism) (Anders Retzius: Swedish; cephalic index)
• Objectives: 1) to examine the differences between species
2) to investigate the variations within species, which include temporal changes, sexual dimorphism, geographical and ethnic differences
3) to explore the trends and evolution as well as to interpret fossil records
4) to apply in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, forensics, and other commercial applications

참고 자료

김명국, 두경부임상해부학, 의치학사, 1999
박기태, 소아청소년을 위한 교정치료의 ABC, 대한나래출판사, 2009
전국치과대학교정학교수협의회, 치과교정학, 대한나래출판사, 2008
김고운, 김재형, 이기헌, 황현식, 전산화단층사진을 이용한 하악골 3차원 영상에서 비대칭진단 계측항목의 재현도에 관한 연구, 대치교정지 2008;38(5):314-327
Laetitia M. Finlay, Craniometry and Cephalometry: A History Prior to the Advent of Radiography, Angle Orthodontist, 1980;50(4):312-321
Norman Wahl, Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 7: Facial analysis before the advent of the cephalometer, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2006;129:293-298
Yong-Kyu Lim, Eun-Hye Chu, Dong-Yul Lee, Il-Hyung Yang Seung-Hak Baek, Three-dimensional evaluation of soft tissue change gradients after mandibular setback surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion, Angle Orthodontist, 2010;80(5):896-903
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