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(영작, 에세이) steroids, side effects of steroids - 스테로이드와 부작용

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최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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스테로이드와 관련되서 스테로이드가 인체에 미치는 영향과 부작용에 대하여

작성한 영문 에세이 입니다


I. Introduction
A. Barry Bonds was one of the greatest baseball players.
B. Therefore, the athletes who use steroids should be punished stronger because the steroids are not just problems of athletes.

II. Body
A. The first reason why the athletes who use steroids must be punished stronger is for them.
1. Abuse
a. Be poisoned
b. More quantity
2. Side effects
a. Short term effects
b. Long term effects

B. Another reason why they have to be punished stronger is for other athletes who do not use the steroids.
1. Unfair
a. User
b. Non-user
2. Being victims
a. Peer pressure
b. Potentially user

C. Finally, the steroid users must be punished stronger because the users ruin children.
1. Damage
a. Mental damage
b. Physical damage
2. Wrong massage
a. Thinking just result
b. Unreasonable people

D. However, some people say the side effects of steroids have been exaggerated.
1. The facts that we know might be exaggerated. However, if it was exaggerated, how explain the sudden deaths.
2. Some elite athletes sometimes die suddenly.
a. Florence Griffith
b. Marco Pantani

E. In addition, some steroid supporters say the athletes who do not use steroid should be prohibited from play.
1. He say technology have been developing, so using steroids is similar with wearing [exotic outfits-full body suits] for swimming game, but it is unreasonable.
2. If his opinion is right, anything will not be problems. However, it has problems.
a. Suffered by abusing
b. Suffered by side effects

III. Conclusion
A. In conclusion, many people have been victims of steroids
B. Therefore, the steroid users especially sports players must be punished very strongly.


He hit balls over the fence of stadium more than seventy times every year from 2001 to 2004, and he has a 703 homerun record until December, 2004(Lester, 2004, par 5) . Who is this man? He is Barry Bonds who was one of the greatest baseball players. He had many enthusiastic admirers of him, and he was a hero of children. Moreover, he used to be mentioned a person who might record in the baseball hall of fame. However, he lost everything that he had achieved because he used illegal steroids. Now a day, no one remembers him as a hero. He is just recorded in people’s head as a cheater even though it was just one mistake.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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(영작, 에세이) steroids, side effects of steroids - 스테로이드와 부작용
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