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19C CHINA: Gulliver With Brain Disease & One Bound Foot

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


2009년 국제학부 전공과목인 [동아시아 입문] 리포트입니다. 19세기 중국이 외세에 잘 대처하지 못한 반면, 일본은 잘 대응한 점에 대하여 기술하였습니다.

1. Textbook, Modern East Asia
2. Fukuzawa Yukichi, ‘I join the first mission to America’, ‘I go to Europe’, ‘Escape from Asia’
3. Mai Menghua, ‘Comparing the Power of China and Western Nations’
4. http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/suffrage.htm
5. 중국의 男.女 성별간 지위http://kin.naver.com/open100/db_detail.php?d1id=6&dir_id=61502&eid=8xukVklf7JinbD0CRhSyoOKF91WAfxTC&qb=wd+xuSDA/MG3IMO2xvM=&enc=euc-kr
6. JUNG-SUN N. HAN, ‘Empire of Comic Visions: Japanese Cartoon Journalism and its Pictorial Statements on Korea, 1876-1910’
7. Denyse Verschuur-Basse, Chinese Women Speak, (p3.-p9. ‘Women In Traditional China’)
8. Margery Wolf and Roxane Witke, Women In Chinese Society, (p39.-9.66 Mary Backus Rankin, ‘The Emergence of Women the End of the Ching: The Case of Chiu Chin’, 1975)




China was unable to control its huge body as if Gulliver with brain disease. At the Western Imperial time, Fukuzawa Yukichi dared to join the first Japanese mission to America as a servant of the captain of the ship in 1859, and he departed to Europe again as an official interpreter in 1862. About the time, in 1903, Liang Qichao, a Chinese man, visited to America personally. Both of them remained a journal of their trips which depicted the industrialized western society and compared it to their native countries. It deserves to analyze these two journals as to capture the thoughts of the leaders of China and Japan in the modern time and to try to understand what made Japan successful and China the converse.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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19C CHINA: Gulliver With Brain Disease & One Bound Foot
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