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[영어 논문] American hegemony present through McDonalds in the Philippines/ 맥도날드를 통해 미국의 헤게모니가 필리핀인들의 식습관에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

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48페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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`American hegemony present through McDonald`s in the Philippines` (맥도날드를 통해 미국의 헤게모니가 필리핀인들의 식습관에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구) 의 주제로 쓰여진 영어 졸업 논문 입니다. 패스트 푸드를 즐겨먹는 그룹과 패스트 푸드를한번도 접해보지 못한 그룹을 나누어 연구했습니다. 많은도움되었으면좋겠네요. Content Analysis 와 Quantitative method 를사용했습니다




It is obvious America is a rich, powerful nation that wishes to
spread its culture, resources, and business to the far corners of the
world. Though it was long in ascendance, the U.S. emerged as a dominant
force during WWII, as the economy and military exploded out of the Great
Depression and the war not to mention its political dominance over the
entire capitalist core. Today, the U.S. has come to influence in every
geopolitical event of the world which led to the phenomenon of the socalled
American hegemony. Interestingly, the operation of American
hegemony is evident not only in the politico-economic and military realms,
but also in the cultural sphere. Nye’s discussion of “soft power,” which
pertains to its ability to attract others by the legitimacy of U.S.
policies and the values that underlie them, seems to reemphasize that it
is important to maintain American hegemony in the cultural sector in
general to U.S. leadership of international politics.

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[영어 논문] American hegemony present through McDonalds in the Philippines/ 맥도날드를 통해 미국의 헤게모니가 필리핀인들의 식습관에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
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