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The necklace 를 읽고

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최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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The necklace by Guy de Maupassant is the story about conflict in poor family. The major characters are Mr. Loisel and his wife Mathilde. The minor characters are Mme. Forestier and men at the ball etc. This story happened at about late 19th century. The time is after French Revolution and there were class distinctions so if someone got born in a poor family, he or she has to live poor. On the other hand live rich. In this story the character’s behavior made me little bit confused so I chose this story to write about feelings that I felt.
At the beginning , there was a pretty young woman whose name was Mathilde. She was married to a poor man. She was not satisfied with her life being in poverty. One day, Mr and Mrs. Loisel was invited to a ball which is kind of like for bourgeois. They couldn’t afford to go there with a fancy dress or jewelry. But Mathilde wanted to look like bourgeois. Because of this kind of mind she was not happy for the invite.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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