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영어일기-Consider the Lilies

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기






It`s been an interesting day, I have been doing laundry all day... It used to never take me this long, but I am happily cleaning clothes given to CJ... This morning someone from my freecycle group brought over 4 big garbage size bags of shirts for him... I am so glad because CJ was actually wearing clothes that should have been thrown out long ago...
A few years ago I was reading my daily devotional and reading about how God clothes the lilies etc... I do know that everything written is for us in some way and I was not understanding this scripture at that time... So I asked the Lord to show me what that actually meant... I kne

So back to my hubbys stuff... Today he was given 4 big garbage bags of shirts... Nearly everything was either new or almost new, most fit him and he ended up keeping... No one knew this but about a month ago I asked the Lord to show him just how it felt to be provided for by the Lord... He just laughed... Well today is only the beginning...
LoL... I guess he gets his side of the closet back...

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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