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Love & Marriage in “the Importance of Being Earnest”

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


This essay is going to make an analysis on the concept of love and marriage in Victorian era based on characters in the Importance of Being Earnest.




Love and marriage, for all ages and in all places, have been an essential theme for integrating arts, especially in the field of literature. It has satisfied our desire toward love at the same time making the prosaic life more colorful and warm. Characters in a story find their soul mate, fall in love in a sight, and make a lot of effort to lead their love to another name of a new life, new love - “marriage”. We sometimes weep for their separation, and sometimes smile for their happy ending comparing to that of our own. The importance of Being Earnest written by Oscar Wilde is one of the greatest love stories of Victorian era, which reflects different sense of values on love, and snobbish marriage customs that prevailed at that time.

After finishing this story, a profound question has been thrown to me, "What did Oscar Wild really want to deliver us through this story? should we marry or be single?" Based on the fact that Oscar Wild was an outsider and homosexual, and also from those cynical lines on marriage from the story, we can see that he did not believe in marriage yet did regard it as a kind of calculated commercial transaction. No love could be found from his eyes. However, to some extent, it is also possible to say that Oscar Wild had a clear grip on the two sides of marriage. Algernon: Good heavens! Is marriage so demoralising as that? But, the funny thing was that Algernon also chose to be depraved to get married as a result of being blind by love. I want to believe that Oscar Wild was just trying to in

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Love & Marriage in “the Importance of Being Earnest”
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