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Analysis on the Narrators in Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, Arnold’s Dover Beach, and the Half-Brothers by Gaskell

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Emily Bronte 의 폭풍의 언덕을 빅토리안 문학의 관점에 맞춰 분석한 레포트 입니다.

작품의 서술자의 중점을 두고 분석한 글로써, 더 나은 분석을 위해 동시대의 다른

두 작품(Arnold’s Dover Beach, and the Half-Brothers by Gaskell) 도 같이 비교 하였습니다.




In the field of literature, there is always someone who tells the story to the readers – narrator. Since each individual sees the world from a very different perspective, it should be carefully taken into consideration that the narrator is not always a reliable speaker. The narrator unconsciously or sometimes purposely interprets things from his/her own point of view which can be deeply related to the way of delivering the themes, personalities of characters in the story. Since the authors convey their thoughts through the narrator’s eyes and voices, the features of a narrator are precisely designed by the authors. Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, one of the most well-known Victorian novels, is a good example to prove the immense influence of the narrator on the direction of the entire story and the readers’ evaluation.

This essay analyzes the narrative structure of Wuthering Heights, especially focusing on each narrator’s trustworthiness based on their social status, personality, and relationship with other characters. To make a much deeper analysis, the narrators of Arnold’s Dover Beach and the Half-Brothers by Gaskell will be compared at some points.

참고 자료

1. Arnold, Matthew. Dover Beach. 1867.
2. Brontë, Emily. Wuthering Heights. UK: Thomas Cautley Newby. 1847.
3. Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Half-Brothers.
4. Gregory, Elizabeth. “Wuthering Heights: Nelly Dean, how reliable is Nelly’s Narration?” http://victorian-fiction.suite101.com/article.cfm/wuthering_heights_nelly_dean. June. 29. 2008.
5. Matsuoka, Mitsuharu. "Gaskell`s strategies of silence in `The Half Brothers.`" THE GASKELL SOCIETY JOURNAL. 2003.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Analysis on the Narrators in Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, Arnold’s Dover Beach, and the Half-Brothers by Gaskell
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