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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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미국 19C 사실주의 지역주의에 관한 내용과, 그에 따른 작가들과 작품들 요약 정리 해놓은 내용(모두 영문으로 적혀있음)


♣ The Advent of Local Color Literature
● Local Color Literature of the Midwest
● Local Color Literature of the East
● Local Color Literature of the south
♣ The Advent of Realism


♣ The Advent of Local Color Literature
Romantic literature, which bloomed in New England in the early 19th centry, began progressing into a new pattern. The gap of one generation period lies between the beginning of the American Renaissance in the early 19th century and the blooming of new literature in the later 19th century. And the gap is the critical situation in the history of America- the Civil war. The United States had to endure over four years of war between the north and the south from April, 1861 to June, 1865. This was the worst civil war that the U.S. had undergone since its independence war.
No wonder the flow of American optimistic and creative spirit reached a temporary suspension or stagnation, in such a period of national turmoil and upheaval. In the mids of ashes and ruins of the war, literature also mirrored the catastrophic situation of the age. A limited amount of insignificant prose works and verses was available, including prose works by such a politician as Abraham Lincoln.
The formation of a new society was alive in the fields of agriculture and industry throughout the period of that generation. The railroad network reached up to the central part of America and was opened in 1869, and within twenty years a transcontinental railroad network was established. The exploitation movement towards the West ,

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