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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The overall experiment of this report consists of only one experiment. In the experiment, our intention is to examine the thermodynamic property of an adiabatic process and relate it to a number of physical concepts such as specific heat or and the ratio of specific heats .


Ⅰ. Preface
1. Background and Intention
2. Brief Objectives of Experiment

Ⅱ. Theory
1. The Adiabatic Process

Ⅲ. Equipment Used

Ⅳ. Procedure
1. Experiment 1 : Pressure versus Temperature

Ⅴ. Result and Analysis
1. Experiment 1 : Adiabatic Process Examination

Ⅵ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Preface
1. Background and Intention
The adiabatic process is utilized in numerous everyday technology and applications despite of its unfamiliarity. In order to understand the phenomena, we ought to understand not only the physical principle of the process but also numerous thermodynamic concepts and terms. Therefore, our intention is to investigate the relationship between the principle and other subordinate concepts.
2. Brief Objectives of Experiment
The overall experiment of this report consists of only one experiment. In the experiment, our intention is to examine the thermodynamic property of an adiabatic process and relate it to a number of physical concepts such as specific heat or and the ratio of specific heats .

In the experiment, we pushed the piston as fast as we could and measured the initial and final pressure and volume within the piston. From the measurement, we could calculate the experimental value of the ratio of molar specific heats , which was indeed greater than the theoretically predicted value. Moreover, by using our value, we could experimentally determine the magnitude of the molar specific heat with constant volume and that with constant pressure . However, it was indeed smaller than theoretically expected value. We anticipate the difference between the theory and the experiment to be the outcome of the fact that we did not push the piston fast enough to completely eliminate the heat transfer. Moreover, since the actual air is not diatomic, we cannot simply assume the degree of freedom to be 5.

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