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Steven Paul Jobs as a revolutionist in life(스티븐 잡스 와 삶을 비춰봄) 한양대학교 HELP2

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스티븐 잡스와 삶의 혁명이란 제목으로 쓴 글입니다
스티븐 잡스에 관한 자료 수집에도 도움이 될겁니다


Steven Paul Jobs as a revolutionist in life


Steven Paul Jobs as a revolutionist in life
Steven Jobs who was the CEO in apple inc. is a revolutionist who made a great change in the method of management by trying to administer the company in a creative way. If I had to introduce his achievements, I could introduce the fact that he made the first personal computer `apple` and the first 3D digital animation `toy story`. In addition, he made the mp3 player `iPod` and the online service `iTunes`. At that time the fact that he made the products give the world a big impact because the products and the service changed the culture in our life. So I think he isn`t a only businessman any more, he is a digital revolutionist who made a big change in our life style.
If so, shall we talk about his childhood? In my point of view, his childhood was not common like ours. As the biggest difference, as soon as he was born in San Francisco, he was thrown away from his parents. So he had been adopted when he was a baby. And he could never study his major without the short of money in the college. So he couldn`t help stopping his study in the college when he was a junior.

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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Steven Paul Jobs as a revolutionist in life(스티븐 잡스 와 삶을 비춰봄) 한양대학교 HELP2
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